
South Bay Wishing Tree Park Opens with BLIA Members Engaging in Community Planning

The South Bay 1st and 2nd Subchapters of the Buddha's Light International Association Los Angeles Chapter (BLIA LA) attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of Wishing Tree Park on May 16. It was led by the subchapters' Guiding Venerable, Ven. Zhi You, they were joined by nine representatives, including members from the Long Beach Subchapter. They engaged with officials from the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District to discuss community planning and environmental issues while connecting with residents.

Norma Edith Garcia-Gonzales, the director of the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District, and Mika Yamamoto, Operations Manager, welcomed the Venerable and BLIA members. They expressed gratitude for BLIA LA's ongoing collaboration with the department, including multiple tree donations for community parks during past Earth Day events, aimed at protecting the planet. Long Beach Subchapter Elder Advisor Gena Ooi emphasized Fo Guang Shan's commitment to contributing to parks and open spaces for the community's benefit.

The event featured special activities for children, such as bubble-blowing, interactions with insects, and police dog demonstrations, which were well-received. Community information booths, gifts, raffles, and complimentary food trucks attracted many residents, creating a lively atmosphere.

Before the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell spoke, attributing the beautiful park to the collective efforts of local community representatives and residents. She expressed hope that continued efforts would ensure every child in Los Angeles could grow up enjoying beautiful community parks.

Representatives from the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust and the Del Amo Action Committee thanked nearby residents for their decade-long persistence in requesting the park and community environmental improvements from the government. They hoped everyone would cherish every inch of the park and every tree, benefiting future generations.

Asian residents recognized BLIA members by their uniforms and approached them, praising the delicious meals at Hsi Lai Temple's Dining Hall and expressing a desire for a similar facility in South Bay.

Ven. Zhi You expressed care for the South Bay 1st and 2nd Subchapter members, encouraging them to cherish the opportunity to host reading clubs or celebratory events in such a beautiful environment. Susu Tsai from the South Bay 2nd Subchapter thanked Ven. Zhi You, hoping her grandchildren could attend activities organized by BLIA in the park.

(Photos by Gena Ooi and Yanjing Chu)